You are here: 7. Mobile Applications > 7.4. Paperless Goods Receipt > 7.4.2. Mobile Goods Receipt - PDA Procedures > Mobile Goods Receipt - Scan Items

Mobile Goods Receipt - Scan Items

Rather than entering item codes manually, you can scan in the item barcodes which is a much simpler process.


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

If you have several lines of the same item code on a purchase order, you need to make sure you allocate the received items against the correct line. In that case, you should receive the items manually by entering a "." in the Sales Unit Barcode field – see "Mobile Goods Receipt - Check Unknown Items".

In this example, we have configured goods receipts to show 0 quantities, thus all the items are shown on the screen. (This is set in the Show items with 0 quantity field on the Micronet Mobile Picking screen / Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen (v2.8) in Micronet – see "Goods Received Settings".)

  1. Scan the item barcode.

If Micronet recognises the barcode, it finds the item on the receipt and displays its details at the top of the screen.

  1. Continue by entering the Qty Scanned of the item and pressing the Ok button.


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

  • Alternatively, if the Goods Received Scanning Mode field on the Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen is set to Yes (see "Goods Received Settings"), you can simply scan the individual items to automatically update the quantity.
  • If an Override Bin location was entered, this is displayed as the Def Bin, otherwise the default bin location of the item is displayed.

If Micronet can't read the barcode, it displays a message that the code cannot be found.

  1. Enter the Qty Scanned of the item and press the Ok button.

Micronet displays a list of all the items on the purchase order so you can select the correct item.


  1. Use the Up and Down arrows to scroll through the list.
  2. When you have found the correct item, make sure it is highlighted and press the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the previous screen, showing the quantity Picked against the selected item.

  1. If you can't find the item you want, you can change the view of this screen by pressing the Supplier button.

Micronet displays the supplier and debtor part, which may make it easier to find the item.

  1. Use the Up and Down arrows to scroll through the list.
  2. When you have found the required item, double click on it.